The Portfolio Budget Statements inform Members of Parliament and the public of the proposed allocation of resources to government outcomes. They also assist the Senate Standing Committees with their examination of the Government’s Budget.
The corporate plan is the Authority's primary planning document. It provides Parliament, the public and stakeholders with an understanding of our purpose, functions, objectives and role.
An annual report is a document prepared each year by the accountable authority of a corporate Commonwealth entity. The report provides a broad statement of the Authority’s capability and performance.
Every six months, the Authority is required to prepare a response to the Senate Order of Continuing Effect for Indexed List of Agency Files.
The Senate Order on entity contracts, also known as the Murray Motion, requires each minister to table a letter in the Senate for each reporting period.
All agency heads are required to publicly disclose gifts or benefits accepted and valued at over $AUD100 (excluding GST). Reporting gifts and benefits accepted by agency heads in the performance of official duties helps to maintain public confidence in the integrity of APS agencies and the APS more broadly.
The broad objective of the Freedom of Information Act is to give the community access to information held by the Australian Government.
A Statement of Expectations provides greater clarity about the government’s expectations for the authority in the conduct of its operations. A Statement of Intent outlines how the authority intends to meet those expectations.